Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming

Spring 2012, Siena College

Course Schedule for Dr. Teresco's Section

"BDM" indicates readings from Java: An Eventful Approach, by Bruce, Danyluk, and Murtagh. Additional readings will be given occasionally. Links will be added here with additional information about lectures, labs, and projects. All assignment and exam dates are subject to change, and are provided only as a general guideline until the actual assignment is handed out in class.


Topic and/or Event Readings
January 17 Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview BDM Ch. 1; Topic Notes: Introduction and Overview
January 18 Programming Project 0: An Introduction to Java and Objectdraw Out (recommended to start during lab meetings)
January 19 Lecture 2: Java and Objectdraw Basics BDM Ch. 2; Topic Notes: Java and Objectdraw Basics
January 24 Lecture 3: Conditionals and Numbers BDM Ch. 3, Ch 4; Topic Notes: Conditionals and Numbers
January 25 Lab 1: Sorting Laundry; Project 0 Due
January 26 Lecture 4: Working with Colors; Dragging Objects; Programming Project 1: Random Flower Out
January 31 Lecture 5: Dragging Objects; Centering Objects
February 1 Lab 2: Advanced Laundry Sorting
February 2 Lecture 6: More Conditionals; Numeric Data Types Topic Notes: Defining Classes
February 7 Lecture 7: Defining Classes BDM Ch. 6
February 8 Lab 3: SkiBall; Project 1 Due
February 9 Lecture 8: Defining Classes
February 14 Lecture 9: More Class Definitions; Programming Project 2: Getting Warmer Out
February 15 Lab 4: Spring Flowers
February 16 Lecture 10: Guest Lecture: More Classes and Review
February 21 Lecture 11: Repetition BDM Ch. 7; Topic Notes: Active Objects
February 22 Lab 5: Snowmen
February 23 Lecture 12: Review
February 27 Evening Exam: 7 or 9 PM, RB 328
February 28 Lecture 13: Active Objects
February 29 No Lab: SIGCSE 2012 Conference
March 1 No Class: SIGCSE 2012 Conference
March 6 Lecture 14: More Complex Active Objects
March 7 Lab 6: A Loopy Drawing
March 8 Lecture 15: Other Loops
March 12-16 Spring Break
March 20 Lecture 16: More Loops and Active Objects; Programming Project 3: Scary Spiders Out
March 21 Lab 7: Blowing Bubbles
March 22 Lecture 17: for Loops; Introduction to ArrayLists Topic Notes: Collections
March 27 Lecture 18: More ArrayLists
March 28 Lab 8: Drawing Dots
March 29 Lecture 19: Exam Review
April 2 Evening Exam: 7 or 9 PM, RB 202
April 3 Lecture 20: Arrays; Project 3 Due
April 4 No Lab: Easter Break/Exam Week
April 5 No Class: Easter Break
April 10 Lecture 21: More Arrays; 2D Arrays Topic Notes: Two Dimensional Arrays; BDM Ch. 13, Ch. 14
April 11 Lab 9: Simon
April 12 Lecture 22: More 2D Arrays
April 17 Lecture 23: Strings; Programming Project 4: Final Project Out BDM Ch. 16; Topic Notes: Strings
April 18 Lab 10: Terminal Drawing Program;
April 19 Lecture 24: More Strings and Characters
April 24 Lecture 25: More Strings and File I/O; Searching BDM Ch. 20; Topic Notes: I/O; Topic Notes: Searching and Sorting
April 25 No new lab: meet to continue work on Lab 10, Final Project
April 26 Lecture 26: Sorting; Concurrency; Wrapup Topic Notes: Concurrency
April 30 Final Project Due, 4:00 PM
May 1 or 2 Review at times TBD
May 3 Final Exam, 11:00-1:00, ARC 1,3