Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming
Spring 2012, Siena College
Lecture 25: More Strings and File I/O; Searching
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
- Announcements
- Tomorrow's lab meetings are on as usual, but no new work
will be assigned
- Exam details and practice questions coming Thursday
- Design documents due
- Lecture assignment 24 recap
- Wrapping up the Hangman example
- An example using Scanner alternatives
- See also "I/O" notes and examples
- Searching
Lecture Assignment 25
Due at the start of class, Thursday, April 26.
You need not submit answers to these
questions, but you will have a chance to ask questions about them at
the start of class.
Convert the program in the MakeOvals example to use
Scanners instead of FileReader/BufferedReader and