Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming
Spring 2012, Siena College
Lecture 11: Repetition
Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
- Announcements
- Lab, project status
- Get all remaining demos for old assignments done ASAP
- Spring flowers due tomorrow at lab time
- Getting warmer project due Friday night
- Brief new lab this week - the intent is that you finish during lab
- Next week: evening exam
- Monday, February 27 in our regular classroom, 7-9 PM or 9-11 PM
- Up to defining classes (today's new material is not covered)
- Practice exam out - bring in questions about it for Thursday
- Closed book, but you will be given the Objectdraw reference card
- Lecture assignment 8 recap
- Dragging 2 shirts wrapup
- Repetition
Lecture Assignment 11
Due at the start of class, Thursday, February 23.
You need not submit answers to these
questions, but you will have a chance to ask questions about them at
the start of class.
Look at the practice exam!