Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming
Spring 2012, Siena College
Lecture 12: Review
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012
- Announcements
- Please respond to my questions about CSIS 110 and about your
plans for next semester if you have not already done so
- Discussion of CSIS 210, CSIS 220
- Next week: Exam Monday night, class as usual Tuesday, no
labs Wednesday, no class Thursday
- I intend to be around for the afternoon on Monday, unsure of
exact timing yet
- Lab and programming project discussion
- SkiBall
- Spring Flowers
- Getting Warmer: remember this is the equivalent of a
take-home exam, so no help other than the instructors!
- Snowmen
- Exam review
- Questions and answers about examples, practice exam, lecture
assignments, etc.
- Practice exam solution sheet will be posted outside my office
No New Lecture Assignment
Wrap up "Getting Warmer" and prepare for the exam!