Date | Topic and/or Event | Readings |
September 2 | Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview; Java and Object-Oriented programming Review; Lab 1: Java Refresher [HTML] [PDF] | Bailey Ch. 0, 1, 2; Topic Notes: Introduction and Overview; Topic Notes: Java and Object-Oriented Programming Review |
September 9 | Lecture 2: Associations, Vectors, Generics; Lab 2: Practice with Vectors [HTML] [PDF] | Bailey Ch. 3, 4; Topic Notes: Associations; Topic Notes: Vectors; Topic Notes: Generics |
September 16 | Lecture 3: Complexity and Asymptotic Analysis; Lab 3: Timing Java | Bailey Ch. 5; Topic Notes: Complexity and Asymptotic Analysis |
September 23 | Lecture 4: Analysis Details; Lab 4: Analysis | |
September 30 | Lecture 5: More Analysis; Searching and Sorting; Lab 5: More Analysis | Bailey Ch. 6; Topic Notes: Searching and Sorting |
October 7 | Lecture 6: Review; More Sorting; Lab 6: Sorting and Comparators | |
October 14 | Midterm exam (during class) | |
October 21 | Lecture 7: Iterators; Linked Structures; Lab 7: The Two Towers Problem | Bailey Ch. 8; Topic Notes: Iterators; Bailey Ch. 9; Topic Notes: Linked Structures |
October 28 | Lecture 8: Linear Structures; Ordered Structures; Lab 8: P.S.: It's Just a Stack | Bailey Ch. 10; Topic Notes: Linear Structures; Bailey Ch. 11; Topic Notes: Ordered Structures |
November 4 | Lecture 9: More Ordered Structures; Trees; Lab 9: Best Of | Bailey Ch. 12; Topic Notes: Trees |
November 11 | Lecture 10: Priority Queues; Heapsort; Lab 10: Trees | Bailey Ch. 13; Topic Notes: Priority Queues and Heaps |
November 18 | Lecture 11: Graphs; Lab 11: More Trees, Graphs, and Dijkstra's Road Trip | Bailey Ch. 16; Topic Notes: Graphs |
November 25 | No Class: Happy Thanksgiving! | |
December 2 | Lecture 12: Binary Search Trees; Tree Sort; Balanced Trees; Maps and Hashing | Bailey Ch. 14; Topic Notes: Binary Search Trees; Bailey Ch. 15; Topic Notes: Maps and Hashing |
December 9 | Lecture 13: Course Evaluations; Review; Advanced Topics | |
December 16 | Final Exam (regular class meeting time and place) | |