Computer Science 501
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose
Lab 3: Timing Java
Due: 6:00 PM, Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Your primary task this week to write a Java program or programs that
will perform emprical analysis of a number of operations. This is the
first part of a project that will culminate in you taking timings of
these operations, which you can analyze in comparison with the
theoretical expectations, and to write up a formal report of your
You may work individually or in a group of 2 or 3 on this project.
Getting Set Up
To get your BlueJ environment set up for this week's lab assignment,
start BlueJ and choose "New Project" from the "Project" menu.
Navigate to your folder for this course and choose the name
"Lab3" (no spaces) for the project.
Create a document where you will record
your answers to the lecture assignment and lab questions. If you
use plain text, call it "lab3.txt". If it's a Word
document, you can call it whatever you'd like, but when you submit,
be sure you convert it to a PDF document "lab3.pdf"
before you submit it.
Lecture Assignment Questions
We will usually discuss these questions at the start of class on the
lab due date, so no credit can be earned for late submissions of
lecture assignment questions.
LA Question 1: Bailey Problem 5.2, p. 112 (2 points)
LA Question 2: Bailey Problem 5.4, p. 112 (2 points)
LA Question 3: Bailey Problem 5.8, p. 113 (2 points)
LA Question 4: Bailey Problem 5.10, p. 113 (3 points)
LA Question 5: Suppose you have n > 2 identical-looking coins and a
balance scale. All of the coins also weigh exactly the same amount,
with the exception of one of the coins, which is counterfeit.
However, you do not know which coin, nor do you know if it is
heavier or lighter than the others. Design a constant-time
algorithm to determine whether the counterfeit coin is lighter or
heavier than the others. (3 points)
Timing Java Code
Read the lab description on pages 115-117 of Bailey. We will
not be doing this lab specifically, but it explains the ideas and
techniques you will need to be able to write a program that can
generate good timing data.
You will be designing, implementing, and running code to support
experiments to analyze the efficiency of each of the following
- The construction of an n-element array of int.
- Inserting n numbers into an n-element array of int.
- Accessing the element at index 0 of an n-element array of
- Accessing the element at index n-1 of an n-element array of
- Adding n integer values to a default Vector from the
structure package.
- Adding n integer values to a Vector whose initial
capacity is 1 element, and which increases the size of its internal
array by 1 element each time an element is added that does not fit
in the internal array. Hint: use the proper constructor of your
Vector to achieve this behavior.
- Adding n integer values to a Vector whose initial
capacity is 10 elements, and which increases the size of its
internal array by 10 elements each time an element is added that
does not fit in the internal array.
- Adding n integer values to a Vector whose initial
capacity is 1 element, and which increases the size of its internal
array by doubling each time an element is added that does not fit in
the internal array.
- Adding n integer values to a Vector whose initial
capacity is n elements. The resizing discipline is not relevant
here, as the Vector will never need to be resized.
- Inserting n integer values into position 0 of a Vector
whose initial capacity is n elements. The resizing discipline is
not relevant here, as the Vector will never need to be resized.
- Accessing the element at index 0 in a Vector that
contains n integer elements.
- Accessing the element at index n-1 in a Vector that
contains n integer elements.
Question 1: For each of the above, state and justify the theoretical
efficiency you expect to observe (e.g.,
Θ(1) or Θ(n2)
). (15 points)
Programming Assignment
Write one or more Java classes that will allow you to gather timings
for the operations listed above. As you proceed, here are some things
to keep in mind:
- All of the bullet items in Bailey on p. 115 and the top of
p. 116!
- For each of the operations you will be timing, you will want to
be able to gather results over a range of problem sizes (i.e., n),
and you will want to run each instance (each n) many times. This
is a job for automation!
- Ultimately, you will be running each experiment hundreds or
even thousands of times. You will definitely want scripts to
manage this, so your programs should take some command line
parameters to specify things like the value of n, the initial
capacity of your Vectors, and the resizing discipline of
the Vectors. And you definitely do not want to have any
keyboard interaction.
- Various experiments will require different ranges for the
values of n and different numbers of repetitions, so it will
not work to run them all at once. Your program should be able
to run one experiment for one value of n and for a specified
number of repetitions.
- Extraneous output can complicate matters when it comes time
to take your timing results and generate tables and graphs.
Keep your output concise but complete.
- A sample Java program that times the construction of
Strings by repated concatenation and a Bash script to run
the program over a variety of problem sizes are available in the
class shared examples area under TimingExample. You are
welcome to borrow parts of the program and/or script in your own
work, with attribution. See the README file there for more
- There are many reasonable ways to organize code for this, but
any choice will have its own advantages and disadvantages.
For this week, you do not need to present timing results, but your
programs should be able to generate the results in a form that will
be usable to present in both tabular and graphical formats next week.
A good job on this week's programming assignment will make next week's
experiments and writeup much easier!
Question 2: Describe in some detail how to run experiments in your
framework. For example, if I wanted to compute the time it would
take to insert n integer values into a default Vector, what
command line would I use? (6 points)
Question 3: Describe in detail why you believe your program can
compute accurate timings. For example, how to you account for
overhead of loop code to perform an operation repeatedly? How do
you decide how many times to repeat an operation? (6 points)
Before 6:00 PM, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, submit your lab
for grading. There are two things you need to do to complete the
submission: (i) Copy your file with the answers to the lecture
assignment and lab questions into your project directory. Be sure
to use the correct file name. If you prepared your answers in Word,
export to a PDF file and submit that. (ii)
Email a copy of your
lab (a .7z or .zip file containing your project
directory) to terescoj AT Please use a meaningful
subject line such as "Joe Student Lab3 Submission".
This assignment is worth 70 points, which are distributed as follows:
Feature | Value | Score |
LA Question 1 (5.2) | 2 | |
LA Question 2 (5.4) | 2 | |
LA Question 3 (5.8) | 2 | |
LA Question 4 (5.10) | 3 | |
LA Question 5 (coins) | 3 | |
Question 1: theoretical expectations | 15 | |
General Java timing framework | 10 | |
Java code for specific operations | 15 | |
Java code style, documentation, and formatting | 6 | |
Question 2: description of how to run experiments | 6 | |
Question 3: description of timing accuracy | 6 | |
Total | 70 | |