Computer Science 501
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 6: Review; More Sorting
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
- Announcements
- Midterm exam next week
- designed to take 90-120 minutes, you will have the full 150 if needed
- up to 5 sheets of handwritten notes may be brought to the
exam, but no other reference materials will be permitted
- all written responses, including some Java programming
- topics include writing a Java class to meet some
requirement, Vector/ArrayList implementations, design
decisions, and analysis, analysis tools and problems like those
on lecture assignments and labs (Big O, Big Omega, Big Theta
intuition, definitions, application of definitions, complexity
proofs by finding constants, using limits, setting up and
solving summations and recurrences), empirical analysis, generic
data structure implementations and usage, basics of searching
and sorting
- Quicksort
- Remaining recaps of all labs to date
- Other exam review
- Lab 6: Sorting and Comparators [HTML] [PDF] out
Readings and References