Computer Science 340
Programming Languages
Fall 2023, Siena College
Lecture 8: Haskell
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Announcements
- Grading are posted for Lab 3: BNF and Parse Trees and Problem Set 2: [PDF] (we will look at some things related to them in a few minutes)
- First exam in class Tuesday
- see info on the Lecture 7 page
- exam is entirely pencil and paper
- resources permitted: your own notes, your own labs and problem
sets, the print or electronic version of the Sebesta text, my
class examples and topic notes
- Recaps of Lab 3: BNF and Parse Trees and
Problem Set 2: [PDF]
- Haskell
- more on lists and ranges
- infinite (!) lists
- list comprehensions
- add to haskell-examples: a list comprehension to build a
list of tuples representing a deck of playing cards
- add to haskell-examples: a function that uses a list
comprehension to constrain numbers in a list based on a
- tuples
- Lab 4: Haskell Practice [HTML] [PDF]
- Haskell
- (You've seen this one before.) Assignment due in Canvas at the
start of our next class: Read Sebesta Chapter 4, Sections 1 and
2, and indicate that you have done so by entering your name as your
response in the Canvas assignment. This assignment is worth 10
points in the "Assignments" category. We will be covering the
contents of this section in detail in class, so don't worry if all
the details aren't very clear on your first reading.
Examples will be added in the haskell-examples repository.