Computer Science 340
Programming Languages
Fall 2023, Siena College
Instructor: | Dr. James D. Teresco, Roger Bacon 308, (518) 782-6992 | |
Electronic mail: | jteresco AT (best contact method) | |
Twitter: | @JTerescoSienaCS | |
Class URL: | [Link] | |
Class hour: | Tuesday, Thursday 11:20-12:50, Roger Bacon 340 | |
Office hours: | Monday 9-11, Tuesday 2:30-4, Thusday 9:30-10:30, and by appointment | |
Course Communications
Communications outside of class will be via email to your Siena College email account. Please check it regularly (multiple times daily during business hours) for class-related messages. You are responsible for being aware of all communications made via email. Class materials will be linked from the course website and our Canvas course.
Substantial changes to this syllabus are not anticipated, but any changes will be announced in class and updated in the online version of the syllabus.
Learning Goals and Mission Statements
Course Description and Objectives
From the course catalog: "A study of the organization and structure of modern programming language paradigms with an emphasis on semantic issues. Topics include formal language theory, syntax, semantics, calling protocols, and conventional and abstract data types."
This course satisfies an elective requirement for the Computer Science (all tracks) or Software Development major. This is a 3 credit course, and it carries the ARTS attribute.
Our specific learning objectives for CSIS 340 include the following:
The required text for the course is Concepts of Programming Languages, Twelfth Edition (Pearson, 2018, ISBN 978-0-13-4997186-2) by Robert W. Sebesta. This is available from the Siena College bookstore and elsewhere. Be sure to get the correct edition, as this is the latest in a long series of textbooks.
There will be various additional readings assigned from freely available sources.
This is a fully in-person class, and everyone is expected to attend and participate in class meetings. Required readings are listed on the lecture and reading schedule. It is essential that you do the reading, so we move quickly through an overview, then spend class time focusing on the most important and challenging topics, working through problems, and completing "mini lab" activities. Part of your course grade will be determined by in-class work, some of which will be based on the readings.
When there are notes used to guide in-class presentations, they are available as PDF files linked from the lecture and reading schedule. We will also frequently use the textbook's slide decks to highlight important topics and terminology. These will be made available for download in Canvas.
Be prompt, prepared, and ready to focus on the day's topics. This should go without saying, but this means your phones and other devices not being used exclusively to follow along with class materials and/or to take notes must be powered off. Some class work will be done on computers, and you may bring your own laptop (note that you might need to install some software) or use one of the college laptops that are located in our classroom. Food or drink cannot be permitted when using college laptops.
Programs and Problem Sets
Problem sets that include both programming and non-programming tasks will be assigned throughout the semester. Some sets may be individual work; some will be group work. Programs will be graded on design, documentation, style, correctness, and efficiency. Answers to questions are expected to be well-written.
You may develop programs for assignments anywhere (in the school's labs, your own computers, etc.) but it is your responsibility to ensure that your programs work on the grading platform.
Unless otherwise specified, problem set work may be turned in with a penalty computed as 1.08h%, where h is the number of hours late. Extensions will only be granted in serious situations. You can find programs in several languages that print out a table of the late penalties here. Work turned in after solutions have been made available cannot receive credit.
All assignments and projects are to be submitted electronically, often using GitHub repositories. Some assignments may require an in-person demonstration. Please submit written work in portable formats (plain text or PDF). If in doubt about a file format, please check before submitting. Keep a copy of any written submissions for yourself.
There will be two in-class exams, tentatively scheduled for October 3, and November 2. The final exam will be held as scheduled by the Registrar's office.
Final Project
For the later part of the semester, the workload of the regular assignments will be reduced and you will focus your efforts on a project where you will study and make use of a programming language beyond what we studied in detail in class. The project will include a proposal, a progress report, a paper, a presentation, and software development. We will use the last regular class meeting, possibly the last two, to hold a minisymposium where you will present your projects. Details will be made available as the time approaches. Your final submission (paper and software) will be due on the last day of classes.
Grades for individual assignments and exams are not scaled. Any scaling deemed appropriate will take place at the end of the semester by adjusting the thresholds. The following thresholds may be adjusted downward (thereby raising grades) but will never be adjusted upward.
A final grade for the course will be computed based on the following weighting of graded work completed throughout the semester.
Breakdown: | Scale: | ||||||
Assignments | 20% | A >= 93% | A- >= 90% | ||||
Problem Sets | 25% | B+ >= 87% | B >= 83% | B- >= 80% | |||
Language Project | 20% | C+ >= 77% | C >= 73% | C- >= 70% | |||
Exam 1 | 10% | D+ >= 67% | D >= 65% | D- >= 60% | |||
Exam 2 | 10% | F < 60% | |||||
Final Exam | 15% | ||||||
Please be sure you are familiar with the Siena College Student Class Attendance Policy.
Every college student should be motivated to attend every class meeting for all the right reasons (e.g., desire for knowledge, getting your money's worth, etc.). You surely understand that regular attendance is essential to your ability to master the course material.
Therefore, there is no formal attendance policy. You are expected to attend regularly, and should contact the instructor about any absences. Absences for which accommodations may be provided include any of the following:
If you must miss a class meeting, you can request that a meeting be live-streamed and/or recorded on Zoom. These options are better than missing the meeting altogether, but are a poor substitute for in-person attendance.
While there is no formal penalty, missing class regularly, frequent tardiness, or being distracted in class (e.g., checking your phone) will be considered a sign that you are not taking the course seriously. Attendance is taken daily, with late arrivals and evidence of distraction or inattention noted as needed. Common sense suggests and experience validates that students who are frequently absent, late, or inattentive do not learn the material, and this is reflected in poor grades. Do not expect compassion when final grades are assigned or extensive extra help if you do not understand a topic that was covered while you were absent without good reason.
Academic Integrity
You are encouraged to discuss the concepts related to course assignments and exams with your classmates. This is an essential part of a healthy academic environment. However, work submitted for grading must be your own (or the combined work of group members, for group assignments). Any unauthorized copying, collaboration, or use of generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT and other platforms that generate text, code, artwork, etc. (except where explicitly permitted on an assignment or exam), is considered a breach of academic integrity and will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty cases are unpleasant and uncomfortable for everyone involved. You are responsible for reading and understanding the College's Academic Integrity Policy and the Computer Science Department's Academic Integrity statement. The minimum penalties for a first violation will include failure (0 grade) for the assignment or exam in question and the filing of an Academic Integrity Violation Accusation Form. A second violation will result in failure of the course and a formal letter describing your misconduct will be sent to the head of the Computer Science Department and the Office of Academic Affairs. Students suspected of violating academic integrity will be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee for final determination.
If there is any doubt about the degree of collaboration allowed or the permitted sources for a particular assignment, please ask for clarification before collaborating or consulting the source. Any such collaborations or sources must be cited properly.
Additional College Policies
The following are College policies that apply to all courses at Siena.
Accommodations Policy
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Siena College is committed to ensuring educational access and accommodations for all its registered students.
The Office of Accessibility allocates reasonable academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need assistance due to a disability, please contact or drop by Foy Hall 109A to discuss further.
Complaints about services provided or not provided may be brought to the attention of Public Safety at 518-783-2376 or Ms. Lois Goland, JD, Title IX Coordinator and Equal Opportunity Specialist (SSU 235, 518-782-6673).
Mental Health and Counseling Resources
For any number of reasons, you may become overwhelmed during your time at Siena. It is very common to experience symptoms of anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions. Fortunately, the Counseling Center, located in Foy Hall Room 110, is a resource to help overcome those potential challenges. You can make an appointment by stopping by, calling 518-783-2342, or requesting one online on the Siena Counseling Center webpage. In addition, for urgent matters after 4PM, there is an on-call therapist who may be accessed by calling Public Safety at 518-783-2376.
Inclusive Classroom
In our Franciscan community, diversity is an invitation to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, as well as the cultural differences that enrich us all. In this course, I will do my best to ensure that students from all backgrounds and perspectives will be served equitably. The diversity that students bring to this class will be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful and inclusive of the many identities of students in terms of gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, culture, perspective, and other background characteristics. Your suggestions about how to improve the value of diversity and inclusiveness in this course are encouraged and appreciated.
Preferred Pronouns
Students are asked to indicate their preferred pronouns by updating their profile in Canvas. The use of preferred pronouns is important to show respect for students' gender identities, and to recognize and validate students' right to choose their own names and forms of address. Please use preferred pronouns that other students display in oral and written comments to them during class discussions.
Reporting a Bias Incident or Sexual Misconduct
In any case of possible bias or sexual misconduct, either in the classroom or anywhere on campus, you are encouraged to file a report online (Search: Siena College Bias Report) or in person with Lois Goland, Sienas Title IX/Title VII Officer, SSU 235, 518-782-6673, Any Siena community member, who experiences or observes an incident of bias or misconduct, including faculty, staff and students, can file a report through this system. More information and resources around procedures dealing with sexual misconduct and discrimination and harassment are available online.
Emergency Preparedness
Take your text and a copy of the syllabus home with you along with your electronic devices in the event of a college closure. Continue with readings and assignments according to the course schedule; some assignments may be posted on Canvas or sent to you via e-mail. Check your email and Canvas pages for instructions about course delivery, for example, whether the course will be resumed online. If possible, online office hours will be established. Information regarding the status of the Colleges status and 5 reopening schedule may be monitored on the Siena website,