Computer Science 340
Programming Languages
Fall 2023, Siena College
Lecture 22: Subprograms
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Announcements
- Language Project
- next deadline is the paper draft due 1 week from last night
- Please indicate your preferences for possible alternate final
exam times (see email)
- Lab 6: Sorting Callbacks [HTML] [PDF]
- due tonight but will accept through start of class Thursday without penalty
- some big hints
- Come to the CS Reading Day Holiday Party!
- Problem Set 8: [HTML] [PDF] Out
- Subprograms and Subprogram Implementation
- Chapter 9, Sections 1-5 Discussion Notes (see the link in your email and/or in Canvas)
- Assignment due in Canvas at the start of our next class: Skim
Sebesta Chapter 10, and indicate that you have done so by
entering your name as your response in the Canvas assignment. This
assignment is worth 10 points in the "Assignments" category.
- overloaded operators
- coroutines
- symmetric control
- coroutine resume