Computer Science 340
Programming Languages
Fall 2023, Siena College
Lecture 2: Overview of Languages; Python Basics
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2023
- Announcements
- Anyone who hasn't successfully logged into noreaster
should call me over when we start the lab exercise today to sort
it out.
- Programming Language of the Day: Python
- Creating a list of programming language features, terminology, etc.
- Sebesta Chapter 1 discussion
- recapping a few review questions
- discussion of some problem set questions: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 18.
- Lab 1: Python Basics for Java Programmers [HTML] [PDF]
- Assignment due in Canvas at the start of our next class: Read
Sebesta Chapter 2, and indicate that you have done so by
entering your name as your response in the Canvas assignment. This
assignment is worth 15 points in the "Assignments" category.