Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2017, Siena College
Class Examples
Class examples will be linked below. Please report any missing examples.
- Java Review
- Classes
- RatiosNoClass - a motivating example without classes
- Ratios - a first look at a custom class
- PurchaseTracker - a custom class and a class variable
- Circles - custom class developed during lecture
- DoublePair - a general purpose class that holds a pair of double values
- ObjectPair - a general purpose class that holds a pair of Object values
- GenericPair - a generic pair class using Java generics (type parameters)
- Matrix2D - a two-dimensional matrix class with
some basic methods
- SpellsArrays - an example of two associated "parallel" arrays
- SpellsArrayGenericPair - replace the parallel arrays with an arrey of GenericPair objects
- SpellsArrayAssociation - replace the GenericPair with an Association
- Complexity and Asymptotic Analysis
- Recursive Methods
- Sum1ToNRec - a recursive method to compute a
mathematical formula
- Powers - compute powers (base raised to an
exponent) iteratively and recursively
- Searching and Sorting
- SearchExample - linear searches with generic types and recursion, developed in class
- BinSearch - binary search on ints and Comparables
- SortingComparisons - recursive implementations of
several sorting algorithms
- Linked Structures
- RatioListApplet - a recursive data structure to hold Ratio objects (need to run with Appletviewer)
- SimpleLinkedList - a singly linked list implementation
- ListInterfaceDemo - a program demonstrating some API classes that implement java.util.List
- Iterators
- Trees
- Maps and Hashing