Class GraphListUndirected<V,E>

  extended by structure.AbstractStructure<V>
      extended by structure.GraphList<V,E>
          extended by structure.GraphListUndirected<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Iterable<V>, Graph<V,E>, Structure<V>

public class GraphListUndirected<V,E>
extends GraphList<V,E>

A GraphListUndirected is a list-based graph representation that consists of a collection of vertices and undirected edges. Portions of the graph may be marked visited to support iterative algorithms. Iteration is provided over vertices, edges, and vertices adjacent to a particular vertex.

Example Usage:

To create a graph representation of the movie theaters nearest the Williams College Department of Computer Science's unix laboratory, and to print these theaters out in order of increasing distance, we could use the following:

  public static void main(String[] argv){
        Graph theaters = new GraphListUndirected();
        FibHeap heap = new FibHeap();
        //instantiate array of locations 
        String[] locations = new String[]{"TCL 312", "Images Cinema", 
                                          "Movie Plex 3", "Cinema 1,2,&3", 
                                          "Cinema 7", "Berkshire Mall Cinemas"
                                          ,"Hathaway's Drive Inn Theatre",
                                          "Hollywood Drive-In Theatre"};

        //instantiate array of distances between location[0] 
        //and movie theaters
        double[] distances =  new double[]{-1, 0.0, 12.6, 12.9, 12.9, 
                                           14.7, 16.5, 18.0};
        //build graph
        for(int i=0; i < locations.length; i++) theaters.add(locations[i]);
        for(int i=1; i < distances.length; i++){
          theaters.addEdge(locations[0],locations[i],new Double(distances[i]));
        //place neighbors of lab in into priority queue
        for(Iterator i=theaters.neighbors(locations[0]); i.hasNext();){
            Object theater =;
            Object distance = theaters.getEdge(locations[0], theater).label();
            heap.add(new ComparableAssociation((Comparable)distance,theater));
        //print out theaters in order of distance
            ComparableAssociation show = (ComparableAssociation)heap.remove();
            System.out.println(show.getValue()+" is "+show.getKey()+" miles away.");

See Also:
GraphList, GraphListDirected, GraphMatrixUndirected

Constructor Summary
          Construct an undirected, adjacency-list based graph.
Method Summary
 void addEdge(V vLabel1, V vLabel2, E label)
          Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
 int edgeCount()
          Determine the number of edges in graph.
 V remove(V label)
          Remove a vertex from the graph.
 E removeEdge(V vLabel1, V vLabel2)
          Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Construct a string representation of graph.
Methods inherited from class structure.GraphList
add, clear, contains, containsEdge, degree, edges, get, getEdge, isDirected, isEmpty, isVisited, isVisitedEdge, iterator, main, neighbors, reset, size, visit, visitEdge
Methods inherited from class structure.AbstractStructure
elements, hashCode, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface structure.Structure
elements, values

Constructor Detail


public GraphListUndirected()
Construct an undirected, adjacency-list based graph.

constructs an undirected graph
Method Detail


public void addEdge(V vLabel1,
                    V vLabel2,
                    E label)
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph. Edge is undirected. Duplicate edges are silently replaced. Labels on edges may be null.

Specified by:
addEdge in interface Graph<V,E>
Specified by:
addEdge in class GraphList<V,E>
vLabel1 - One vertex.
vLabel2 - Another vertex.
label - Label associated with the edge.
vLabel1 and vLabel2 are labels of existing vertices, v1 & v2
an edge (undirected) is inserted between v1 and v2; if edge is new, it is labeled with label (can be null)


public V remove(V label)
Remove a vertex from the graph. Associated edges are also removed. Non-vertices are silently ignored.

Specified by:
remove in interface Graph<V,E>
Specified by:
remove in interface Structure<V>
Specified by:
remove in class GraphList<V,E>
label - The label of the vertex within the graph.
The label associated with the vertex.
label is non-null vertex label
vertex with "equals" label is removed, if found


public E removeEdge(V vLabel1,
                    V vLabel2)
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.

Specified by:
removeEdge in interface Graph<V,E>
Specified by:
removeEdge in class GraphList<V,E>
vLabel1 - One vertex.
vLabel2 - Another vertex.
The label associated with the edge removed.
vLabel1 and vLabel2 are labels of existing vertices
edge is removed, its label is returned


public int edgeCount()
Determine the number of edges in graph.

Specified by:
edgeCount in interface Graph<V,E>
Specified by:
edgeCount in class GraphList<V,E>
Number of edges in graph.
returns the number of edges in graph


public java.lang.String toString()
Construct a string representation of graph.

toString in class java.lang.Object
String representing graph.
returns string representation of graph