Computer Science 432/563
Operating Systems
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 0x13: Persistent Storage
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016
- Announcements
- Storage Devices
- Magnetic hard disks
- Optical disks
- Flash memory
- Disk Scheduling Algorithms
- Recall: cost of a disk access includes seek time and
rotational latency
- We wish to minimize seek time by minimizing the distance the
read/write head has to move in order to service the incoming
requests by reordering requests based on cylinder number
- This optimization may be done by the disk, the hardware
controller, or by the operating system
- Compare algorithms by examining their performance on a given
request queue
- First-Come First-Served (FCFS)
- Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)/Closest Cylinder Next
- SCAN or Elevator Algorithm
- LOOK Algorithm
- Circular Algorithms
- Comparing Disk Scheduling Algorithms
- SSTF or LOOK are often reasonable for a default algorithm
- SCAN and C-SCAN are better for heavily loaded systems
where LOOK is unlikely to save much and SSTF runs the risk of
- performance depends on the frequency and types of requests
- we may want to consider some of this when we decide
how to organize file systems
- FreeBSD's ufs filesystem uses an elevator algorithm (see
- File Systems
- File system interface
- file concept
- file system - organized collection of files
- file attributes
- file operations
- file types
Lecture 0x13 Assignment
Due at the start of class, Monday, April 11.
Please submit answers to these questions
either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to
terescoj AT by the start of class. Please use a clear subject line
when submitting by email (e.g., CS 432 Lecture
0x13 Assignment, Mary Smith). We will discuss these
questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are
The readings for next class are SG&G Chapter 10.
- SG&G Exercise 9.10, p. 472 (2 points)
- SG&G Exercise 9.11, p. 472-3 (6 points)
- SG&G Exercise 9.15, p. 474 (4 points)
- SG&G Exercise 9.16, p. 474 (4 points)
- SG&G Exercise 9.18, p. 474 (4 points)