Computer Science 432/563
Operating Systems
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 0x09: Semaphores
Date: Monday, February 22, 2016
- Announcements
- Programming Project 2: CPU Scheduler Simulation continues
- coding due midweek, writeup due next Monday
- further discussion?
- Lecture 0x08 assignment recap
- Lab 3: Concurrency out
- Quick look back at mutual exclusion with atomic instructions
- Semaphores
- abstract synchronization primitive
- wait/signal semantics
- using to solve the critical section problem
- implementation idea
- POSIX semaphores
- pthreads mutexes
- using as a general synchronization tool
- Classical problems of synchronization
- Bounded Buffer with no busy waits
- The Dining Philosophers
- Readers-Writers
No New Lecture Assignment
- prodcons-shmem
- prodcons-pthreads