Computer Science 432/563
Operating Systems
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 0x06: More Advanced CPU Scheduling
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
- Announcements
- Lecture 0x05 assignment recap
- CPU scheduling algorithms wrapup
- Multilevel feedback queues
- Fair-share and Lottery scheduling
- Comparisons of scheduling algorithms
- Programming Project 2: CPU Scheduler Simulation detailed introduction
- Implementations of scheduling algorithms
- From the text: Solaris, Windows, Linux
- From Krohn 2003: Linux 2.6 O(1) scheduler
- From McKusick and Neville-Neil 2004: FreeBSD 5.x ULE scheduler
Lecture 0x06 Assignment
Due at the start of class, Monday, February 15.
Please submit answers to these questions
either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to
terescoj AT by the start of class. Please use a clear subject line
when submitting by email (e.g., CS 432 Lecture
0x06 Assignment, Mary Smith). We will discuss these
questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are
The readings for next class are SG&G Chapter 5.
The papers below are in /home/cs432/papers on
- Read and briefly summarize in a few paragraphs the key points
about the Linux 2.6 O(1) scheduler as described in the article by Krohn
(2003) in the file linux26scheduler.pdf. (10 points)
- Read and briefly summarize in a few paragraphs the key points
about the FreeBSD ULE scheduler as described in the McKusick and
Neville-Neil ACM Queue (2004) article in the file
p58-mckusick.pdf. (10 points)