Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2017, Siena College
Lecture 4: UML Class Diagrams
Date: Monday, January 30, 2017
- Announcements
- If your group has not yet completed Lab 1, you have until
start of your lab period on Wednesday to wrap it up
- You should now be well into the implementation phase of
Homework Project 1: Chutes and Ladders simulation (details in
Blackboard), due Friday night
- Lab 2 this week is on UML class diagrams
- Reminder: make arrangements to be here for an evening exam
on Thursday, February 16 starting 7:30 PM
- Note new examples page on course web site
- Classes and UML class diagrams
- expanding the CoordinatePair class (let's rename it Point)
- a more complete UML class diagram for it
- extending it to 3 dimensions, both Java and UML
- Order of execution with constructors and initializer blocks (see
class handouts)
- shadowing
- initializer blocks