Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2017, Siena College
Class Examples
Class examples will be linked below. Please report any missing examples.
- Java Features
- Classes and UML
- Point - a custom class, developed as an example to
use for a UML class diagram
- SimpleIntBinarySearchTree - an example of a
binary search tree to use for a UML class diagram and a UML object
- Packages
- TwoTimers - a class conflict from wildcard imports
- Inheritance
- Readability
- Files and Exception Handling
- Recursion
- Graphics and Event Driven Programming
- WordSearch - an event-driven program using file input, exception handling, mouse events, Java graphics, and an anonymous inner class
- Regular Expressions
- RegexPractice - demonstration of basic regular expression functionality
- FindInterstates - example to find patterns referring to interstate highways in a METAL graph file
- More Java Graphics
- DragAndDrop - a drag and drop with Java graphics and mouse event handlers
- Java Swing and Animation