Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2017, Siena College
Lecture 15: Files and Exception Handling
Date: Monday, March 20, 2017
- Announcements
- Reminder: Exam 2 Thursday, 7:30 PM, RB 202.
- Despite the snow-out of Lab 7 for some of you, you still
need to finish it up by the start of lab on Wednesday.
- Homework 3 is in, we'll talk about it today, if there's time, but more likely that will wait until Friday.
- Exam 2 information (in Blackboard)
- The class
- Exception handling
- A few more leftover inheritance examples/puzzlers (delayed)
- Groups for the last two homework projects (Dr. Lim will visit to
announce the groups)
- exceptions
- error detection
- error handling
- throws clause
- exception handler
- try with resources
- hiding