Computer Science 220
Assembly Language & Computer Architecture
Fall 2010, Siena College
Lecture 19: Cache and Virtual Memory
Date: Thursday, December 9, 2010
- Announcements
- Please tear down remaining memory circuits right away
- Lab 9 due Monday at 4
- Friday lab meeting in RB 330 to discuss other ISAs (5 lab
bonus points for being there!)
- Final exam information
- practice exam out
- focus on topics since last exam, but expect some small
portion from previous (one question)
- review: Friday, December 17, 1:30-3:30, RB 328 (here)
- one double-sided page of handwritten notes permitted
- Cache memory
- associativity
- cache management
- coherency issues
Practice Questions
Some questions to think about in preparation for the final.
- P&H Exercise 5.6.4 and 5.6.5
Cache block size (B) can affect both miss rate and miss latency.
Assuming the following miss rate table, a 1-CPI machine with an
average of 1.35 references (both instructions and data) per
instruction, help find the optimal block size given the following miss
rates for various block sizes:
a. 8: 8%, 16: 3%, 32: 1.8%, 64: 1.5%, 128: 2%
b. 8: 4%, 16: 4%, 32: 3%, 64: 1.5%, 128: 2%
5.6.4. What is the optimal block size for a miss latency of 20
× B cycles?
5.6.5. What is the optimal block size for a miss latency of 24 + B
- Since the time to access data for both hits and misses affects
performance, designers often use an effective access time (EAT) to
evaluate alternative cache designs. Effective access time can be
defined as:
EAT = thit + rmiss * tmiss
for a hit time of thit, a miss rate of rmiss and a miss
penalty of tmiss.
a. Find the EAT for a processor with a 2 ns clock, tmiss = 20
clock cycles, rmiss = 0.05 misses per instruction, and a
thit (cache access time, including hit detection) = 1 clock
cycle. Assume that the read and write miss penalties are the same and
ignore other write stalls.
b. Suppose we can improve rmiss to 0.03 misses per reference by
doubling the cache size. This causes the cache access time thit
to increase to 1.2 clock cycles. Using the EAT as a metric, determine
if this is a good trade-off.