Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2017, Siena College
Lecture 19: Introduction to Linked Lists
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017
- Announcements
- Exam 2: next week in lab
- much like exam 1: practical portion followed by written portion
- material is cumulative by nature, but focus is on our topics
since the first exam: complexity and asymptotic analysis (Big
O), recursion, searching and sorting, Comparables and
- practice exam out ASAP
- possible study session led by Michael D.
- my review session will have to be Monday, time TBD
(unfortunately, since I know it's not ideal for some)
- Programming Project 3: Sorting with Comparators due Friday
- Lecture 18 assignment also due Friday
- Linked Structures
- a recursive data structure
- Lab 6: Introduction to Linked Lists
- recursive structure
- lists