Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2017, Siena College
Lecture 17: Searching and Sorting
Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017
- Announcements
- Lecture 16 assignment zyBook tasks remain due on Friday
- Setting up your BlueJ environment to use the Structure package
- Download
(use "save link as" or similar) and save it to a convenient
place on your computer.
- In BlueJ's Preferences, Choose "Libraries", then "Add" and choose the file you just downloaded. Restart the virtual machine or restart BlueJ to load the structure package "Jar file".
- Try it out by creating a program that imports
structure5.Vector and constructs one. The Vector
class works like the ArrayList class.
- Lab 4: Recursion now due
- Lab 5: Searching and Sorting out
- Programming Project 3: Sorting with Comparators out