Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming

Spring 2012, Siena College

NiceBasketball Demo

A working demo of NiceBasketball will appear below. Click inside the applet to interact with it.

NiceBasketball BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for NiceBasketball.

NiceBasketball Source Code

The Java source code for NiceBasketball is below. Click on a file name to download it.

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

 * Example NiceBasketball
 * Jim Teresco, Siena College, CSIS 120, Spring 2011
 * $Id: 1516 2011-01-31 21:08:19Z terescoj $

public class NiceBasketball extends WindowController {

    // the color to draw the ball
    private static final Color BALL_ORANGE = new Color(250, 85, 10);
    // size and starting angles for cut arc in degrees
    private static final int CUTSIZE = 100;
    private static final int RIGHTCUTSTART = 90 + (180 - CUTSIZE) / 2;
    private static final int LEFTCUTSTART = 270 + (180 - CUTSIZE) / 2;
    // the orange part of the ball
    private FilledOval body;
    // the border of the ball
    private FramedOval border;
    // the two curves on the sides of the ball
    private FramedArc leftCut, rightCut;
    // the vertical and horizontal lines through the ball
    private Line vert, horiz;
    // ball position and size
    private static final int BALL_LEFT = 175;
    private static final int BALL_TOP = 175;
    private static final int BALL_SIZE = 50;

    public void begin() {
        // draw the circles that make it look like a ball
        body = new FilledOval(BALL_LEFT, BALL_TOP, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, canvas);
        border = new FramedOval(BALL_LEFT, BALL_TOP, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, canvas);
        // draw the lines and arcs that make it look like a basketball
        rightCut = new FramedArc(BALL_LEFT + BALL_SIZE * 2 / 3, BALL_TOP, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, RIGHTCUTSTART, CUTSIZE, canvas);
        leftCut = new FramedArc(BALL_LEFT - BALL_SIZE * 2 / 3, BALL_TOP, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, LEFTCUTSTART, CUTSIZE, canvas);
        vert = new Line(BALL_LEFT + BALL_SIZE / 2, BALL_TOP, BALL_LEFT + BALL_SIZE / 2, BALL_TOP + BALL_SIZE, canvas);
        horiz = new Line(BALL_LEFT, BALL_TOP + BALL_SIZE / 2, BALL_LEFT + BALL_SIZE, BALL_TOP + BALL_SIZE / 2, canvas);