Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
Several of you have built models of houses or other buildings in some of your early work. In many cases, those were built of a cube with a cone on top. Let's see about getting a more standard "peaked roof" object that could be used in such a circumstance.
The view above is from a camera position of (200, 200, -300). The roof's base is 100 ×100, the height of the peak is 50, and the base of the roof sits atop the xz-plane.
Using a Difference or an Intersection (either can work), create this in an object named roof.
Please demonstrate your program or submit only the file by email before you leave class. Email submissions should use a meaningful subject line, clearly indicating the course number and assignment name.
Due at the start of class, Wednesday, February 17.
Please submit answers to these questions either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to terescoj AT by the start of class. Please use a clear subject line when submitting by email (e.g., CSC 112 Lecture 8 Assignment, Mary Smith). We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted.
scene.add(cube, scale(.5)*translate(100,0,0), yellowPlaster) scene.add(cube, translate(100,0,0)*scale(.5), cyanPlaster)
Note: a printable PDF copy of the blank axes is here.