Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 26: Course Wrapup; Course Evaluations
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2016
- Announcements
- Studio/Lab 11: Animation due tomorrow night
- you can upload your animation video(s) to a service
like YouTube instead of the wiki
- reminder: in addition to regular email submission, please also
submit this one in Blackboard - I am using this assignment
for this course's contribution to our college-wide
assessment of the liberal education program - nothing else
changes from your perspective
- Final Project
- due at our final project showcase (a "gallery
opening"?) on Friday, 9:00 to Noon
- everyone must attend and participate, but if you have a
conflicting exam for part of the time, you need only attend
your section's part of the presentations (9:00-10:30 for
those in the 9:00 section, 10:45-12:15 for those in the
10:25 section)
- 5-10 minutes each to show your final project and a few
other favorites from your semester's work
- show your images/animations and briefly give a summary
of how you accomplished the most interesting features
- use the wiki entries, ideally, alternately bring a USB key
- Studio/Lab 9: Shared Model Contribution bonus submissions will be accepted through Friday morning
- Exam 2 recap
- What have we learned?
- Beyond this course: introductory programming sequence
- Course evaluations
- Time to work on the last Studio/Lab and your final project.
- Thank you for a very enjoyable course!