Computer Science 210
Data Structures

Fall 2017, Siena College

Lecture 29: Binary Search Trees
Date: Monday, November 20, 2017


Lecture 29 Assignment

Due at the start of class, Monday, November 27.

Please submit answers to these questions in Blackboard under "Lecture 29 Assignment" by the start of class. We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions can be accepted. For the first three questions, consider three-node integer-valued binary trees whose nodes contain the elements "1", "2", and "3". The last two items previously in this space will become part of a future assignment.

  1. Draw all valid trees whose in-order traversal would visit the nodes in the order 1-2-3. Which of these are binary search trees? Note that there are several valid tree "shapes" in each case. (3 points)
  2. Draw all valid trees whose preorder traversal would visit the nodes in the order 1-2-3. Which of these are binary search trees? (3 points)
  3. Draw all valid trees whose postorder traversal would visit the nodes in the order 1-2-3. Which of these are binary search trees? (3 points)
  4. Bailey Problem 12.8, p. 310. (5 points)
  5. Bailey Problem 12.10, p. 311. (6 points)
  6. Bailey Problem 12.20, p. 311 (5 points)
