Computer Science 523
Advanced Programming

Summer 2014, The College of Saint Rose

RunsScored BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for RunsScored.

RunsScored Source Code

The Java source code for RunsScored is below. Click on a file name to download it.

 * Program to report on a baseball score, giving combined
 * score and average runs per inning for a single game.
 * @author Jim Teresco 
 * CSC 202, The College of Saint Rose
 * Fall 2012
 * $Id: 2366 2014-05-20 02:33:22Z terescoj $

import java.util.Scanner;

public class RunsScored

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // define a named constant for the number of innings, so we can
        // change it here in one place to use our program for games with
        // different numbers of innings.  As a named constant it follows
        // the ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES naming convention and is preceded
        // by the "final" keyword to tell Java that we are about to give
        // this name its "final" (and only) value.
        final int NUMBER_OF_INNINGS = 9;
        // we'll need a Scanner to read from the keyboard
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        // read in visiting team name and score
        System.out.print("Enter visiting team name and number of runs scored: ");
        String visitingTeam =;
        int visitingTeamScore = keyboard.nextInt();
        // read in home team name and score
        System.out.print("Enter home team name and number of runs scored: ");
        String homeTeam =;
        int homeTeamScore = keyboard.nextInt();
        // compute and report total runs scored
        System.out.println(visitingTeam + " and " + homeTeam + " combined for " +
                (visitingTeamScore + homeTeamScore) + " runs.");
        // compute average runs per inning
        double runsPerInning = (visitingTeamScore + homeTeamScore)/(1.0*NUMBER_OF_INNINGS);
        // report average runs per inning
        System.out.println("That's " + runsPerInning + " runs per inning, on average.");
        // now as a mixed number
        int wholeRuns = (visitingTeamScore + homeTeamScore)/NUMBER_OF_INNINGS;
        int fracRuns = (visitingTeamScore + homeTeamScore)%NUMBER_OF_INNINGS;
        System.out.println("Or, " + wholeRuns + " " + fracRuns + "/" +
            NUMBER_OF_INNINGS +", as a mixed number.");