Computer Science 507
Software Engineering
Spring 2015, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 10: Parallel and Distributed Computing
Date: Monday, March 30, 2015
- Announcements
- No class next week for Easter break
- Lab exercises for Lab 7: More Software
Testing [HTML] [PDF] and Lab 8: Static
Analysis [HTML] [PDF] due before our next meeting on April 13
- Lab 8: Static Analysis [HTML] [PDF] recap
- Lab 9: Distributed Software [HTML] [PDF] out (don't
worry, it's just lecture questions)
- Brief design project status reports
- Crash course on parallel and distributed computing
- our next speaker's talk will be much more understandable
and relevant if you have a little background
- notes for first part available as topic notes on schedule page
- talk slides on mogul in /home/cs507/speaker-slides/parallel.pdf
- Guest speaker: your very own instructor
- remember to participate in the discussion blog for this talk
(you're welcome to start commenting during the talk if you wish)
- our speaker will participate in the discussions as well
- talk slides are on mogul in /home/cs507/speaker-slides/teresco.pdf
Readings and References