Computer Science 507
Software Engineering
Spring 2015, The College of Saint Rose
In this lab, you will have a chance to practice requirements gathering. This same process as the first phase of your design projects.
This is essentially a whole-class task, but you should form into small groups (of 3 to 5) to gather information and to prepare the documents for submission.
Please note however that for the lecture assignment questions, everyone should make their own submissions. One person per group should include the group's work in their submission, and others should note the name of the group member whose submission includes their group's work.
Getting Set Up
Create a document where you will record your answers to the lecture assignment and lab questions. If you use plain text, call it "lab2.txt". If it's a Word document, you can call it whatever you'd like, but when you submit, be sure you convert it to a PDF document "lab2.pdf" before you submit it.
Lecture Assignment Questions
We will usually discuss these questions at the start of class on the lab due date, so no credit can be earned for late submissions of lecture assignment questions.
The Case Studies
We will have two case studies for this lab (and we could see these same ones in future labs and/or exam questions as well). The role of the client in these case studies will be acted by your instructor.
Room Scheduling
The client for the first case study is a person in charge of room scheduling for a medium-sized college. The client has interest in automating and streamlining the process, which has been fairly disorganized in the past. The college is also considering selling room reservations for outside groups to increase revenue. This client has some idea of what he wants the system to look like, but it might be difficult to extract the precise details of the idea. Since the client's technical background is limited, he might not realize that some of what he has in mind might not be technically feasible.
Kids' Drawing Program
Note: we did not get to this case study in class, so you will not need to include requirements for it.
The client for the second case study is a computer teacher at a small school. She would like to create a drawing program for kids that includes the functionality of plus some enhancements to an old commercial program that is no longer supported on modern systems.
Client Meetings Requirements Documents
The first task in your design project is requirements gathering. You will gather the same kinds of information for these case studies (though the documents can be much less polished for the lab). Please see the "Client Meetings and Requirements Documents" section of the design project description for more information. For our purposes, you may summarize the requirements we were able to gather in class, and come up with a list of items that require further clarification.
Our "client meetings" for these case studies will take place during class. Since it is not feasible to have each of you "meet" separately with the client, we will take time for all of you to ask questions as a class, then each group or individual will prepare the requirements documents.
Before 6:00 PM, Monday, February 2, 2015, submit your lab for grading. Package up all required files into an appropriate archive format (.tar.gz, .zip, and .7z are acceptable) and upload a copy of the using Submission Box under assignment "Lab2".
This assignment is worth 35 points, which are distributed as follows:
> Feature | Value | Score |
LA 1: (5.1) | 2 | |
LA 2: (5.5) | 2 | |
LA 3: (5.7) | 3 | |
LA 4: (5.8) | 3 | |
Completeness of case study requirements | 25 | |
Total | 35 | |