Computer Science 507
Software Engineering

Spring 2014, The College of Saint Rose

Lab 7: More Software Testing
Due: 6:00 PM, Monday, March 24, 2014

For this week's lab, we will refine our techniques for unit testing a bit. Unit testing techniques might include equivalence testing, state-based testing, boundary testing, domain testing, and control flow-based testing (statement, branch).

You may work alone or in groups of up to size 4 for these exercises.

Equivalence Partitioning

Equivalence partitioning is a blackbox testing technique that minimizes the number of test cases. Possible inputs are partitioned into equivalence testing classes, and a test case is selected from each class. We make the assumption that the system behaves in a similar way for all members of an equivalence class.

For example, suppose we have a function or method that compute the number of days in a month. Since we cannot reasonably test all possible month/year combinations, we find equivalence classes of inputs and sample inputs and outputs for each to perform what are hoped to be fairly complete tests. In this example, we will want combinations of months with different numbers of days, covering both leap years and non leap years.

One possible set of equivalance classes for this might be:

We will not write actual unit tests for such a method, but hopefully you see how you could.

Question 1: Look up the rules for determining leap years. Are the equivalence classes above sufficient for a general day-of-month method that would work, say, for all years from 1901 to 2099? (2 points)

Now consider the Triangle program on in /home/cs507/s14/labs/testing.

Question 2: Come up with a set of equivalence classes and sample inputs that will thoroughly test this program. (4 points)

Question 3: Write a program that implements JUnit tests for the test cases from your equivalance classes determined in the previous question, and report any errors in the original program that your tests uncover. (6 points)

Control Flow Adequacy Testing

We now consider a whitebox testing mechanism. Note that a method or program can be represented by a flow graph.

A segment is represented by a node (circle) in the flow graph. A segment is one or more contiguous statements with no conditionally executed statements. That is, if we start executing a segment, there is no way to proceed except through the entire segment.

A conditional transfer of control is a branch. A branch is represented by an outgoing edge in the flow graph.

The entry point of a method is represented by the entry node, which is a node no incoming edges. The exit point of a method is represented by the exit node, which has no outbound edges.

For example, the method:

public int fun1(int x){
   k = 0;
   while (x <= 10 && k < 3){
      if (x%2 != 0)
         k = k + 1;
      x = x + 1;
   if (x < 0){
      x = 10;
      k = 0;
   return k;

would be represented by the flow graph:

where each segment is labelled with a letter.

Given such a flow graph, we would like to form tests that exercise all parts of the flow graph.

The first standard is statement coverage. A set P of execution paths satisfies the statement coverage criterion iff for all nodes n in the flow graph, there is at least one path p in P s.t. n is on the path p. We would like to generate test inputs that will cause each statement in the program to execute at least once.

Question 4: Identify a set of values of the input x that will execute all statements in fun1's flow graph at least once. (4 points)

A second standard is branch coverage. A set P of execution paths satisfies the branch coverage criterion iff for all edges e in the flow graph, there is at least one path p in P s.t. p contains edge e. Here, we want to generate test inputs to exercise both the true and false outcomes of each decision.

Question 5: Identify a set of values of the input x that will execute every branch (edge) in fun1's flow graph at least once. (4 points)

A larger example:

public int fun2(int x, int y){
   k = 0;
   while (x <= 10 && k < 10){
      if (x%2 != 0){
         k = k + y;
         k = k - 2;
      x = x + 1;
      k = x + k;
   if (x < 0){
      x = y;
      k = k + x;
   return k;

Question 6: For the above example, develop a flow graph and identify pairs of inputs x and y such that both the statement coverage and branch coverage criteria are satisfied. (10 points)


Before 6:00 PM, Monday, March 24, 2014, submit your lab for grading. Package up all required files into an appropriate archive format (.tar.gz, .zip, and .7z are acceptable) and upload a copy of the using Submission Box under assignment "Testing".


This lab will be graded out of 30 points.