Software Engineering Design Project Presentation Evaluation Form Presenters: Evaluator: Please evaluate the group's presentation according to the following criteria. Note that some items relate to an individual presenter, while others relate to the group's presentation as a whole. Please edit a copy of this file for each group and submit it by email after the presentations are complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Preparation Please complete this section based on the presentation overall. - Comment on the effectiveness of the prepared presentation guides (e.g., slides, web pages). - Comment on the organization of the presentation. In particular, was it organized in a logical and interesting sequence that was easy for the audience to follow, including appropriate introductory and concluding sections? - Did you notice any misspellings or grammatical errors? - If a software demonstration was included, was it well-presented and helpful? - Was the length of the presentation appropriate? - Did all team members participate in a meaningful way in the presentation? - Were the presenters able to answer questions about their project? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Presentation Skills Please complete this section separately for each individual involved in the presentation. - Comment on the speaker's ability to hold the audience's attention through effective eye contact and to avoid reading from notes or slides. - Comment on the speaker's body language (e.g., did he or she use appropriate movements and gestures to enhance the audience's ability to understand)? - Comment on the speaker's poise. Was the speaker relaxed and confident? If the speaker made any mistakes, did he or she recover quickly? - Comment on the speaker's enthusiasm about the content of his or her portion of the presentation. - Comment on the presenter's speaking skills. Did the speaker use a clear voice at an appropriate volume, articulate his or her words, and speak at an appropriate pace? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Content Please complete this section based on the presentation overall. - Did the presentation clearly state the purpose of the project? - Did the presentation clearly describe background information about the project? - Did the presentation clearly describe the team structure? - Did the presentation clearly summarize the design decisions made? - Did the presentation clearly summarize the implementation? - Did the presentation clearly summarize the documentation? - Did the presentation discuss the design and implementation process in retrospect, including what went well and what the group might do differently? - Did the presentation convey the results of or the plans for delivery to the client? - Did the presentation describe features of their software that did not get completed, justifying the decision to leave them in the "waiting room"? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Project Please complete this section based on the presentation overall. - Based on what you learned from the presentation, do you believe the design project was completed successfully? - Did you get the sense that the workload for this team was evenly distributed? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Comments Please provide any additional feedback you wish to share about the project or its presentation.