Computer Science 501
Data Stuctures and Algorithm Analysis

Fall 2013, The College of Saint Rose

Lab 7: P.S.: It's Just a Stack
Due: 6:00 PM, Wednesday, November 13, 2013

This week's lab assignment is described in Section 10.5 of Bailey. You will learn about the PostScript language, and gain experience using stacks and making use of an existing partial implementation.

You may work alone or in a group of 2 or 3 for this assignment.

Getting Started

First, carefully read the lab description in the text and this handout. You are certain to have questions, so be sure to leave plenty of time to discuss this assignment with me.

Before you begin, copy the starter files from the the shared area under labs/postscript (they will also be emailed to you). Familiarize yourself with these three classes and make sure you understand how they work.

Next, develop a sketch of the Interpreter class. This is where you will process the tokens being delivered to your interpreter by the provided Iterator class. You are strongly encourages to either see me to go over your sketch of this class or email it to me for comment and discussion before you continue.

Notes and Guidelines

Bonus Opportunity

For a bonus point, you can implement procedures as described in thought question 3. If you design everything else properly, this should be almost a trivial extension.

For another bonus point, you can implement the if operator as described in thought question 4.

Related Questions

Include your answers to thought questions 1, 2, and 5 in a comment at the top of (Note: while you don't have to do questions 3 and 4, you need to read and understand them to be able to do 5.) This means you need only submit that one file, as you should not need to modify the provided classes.

Before 6:00 PM, Wednesday, November 13, 2013, submit your Java program for grading. There are two things you need to do to complete the submission: (i) upload a copy of your Java program (the .java file only) using Submission Box under assignment "Postscript", and (ii) print and turn in a hard copy of your program.

Don't forget to check your programs for compliance with the Style Guide for CSC 501 Programs


This lab assignment is graded out of 30 points.

Grading Breakdown

Program design 3 points
Program style 3 points
Program documentation 6 points
Program correctness 12 points
Procedure support 1 bonus point
if operator support 1 bonus point
Thought questions 6 points

The program design grade will be based on the design choices you make in the implementation of the Interpreter class. The program style grade will be based on code formatting and approriate use of Java naming conventions. The program documentation grade is, of course, based on the comments you provide. The program correctness grade is based on how well your program meets the functionality requirements.