Computer Science 433
Programming Languages
Fall 2014, The College of Saint Rose
This week's assignment is the first of two where you will write a collection of Scheme programs to practice your functional programming skills.
You may work alone or in a group of 2 or 3 on this assignment.
Fun with Recursion
Include your code for these functions in a scheme file named recursion.scm.
Here are some example runs of a working equalizer function:
1 ]=> (equalizer '(mit scheme is a grumpy language) '(strose scheme is a pretend language)) ;Value 14: (scheme is a language) 1 ]=> (equalizer '(a b c d) '(a x c e f g)) ;Value 15: (a c)
Here are some example runs of a working reverse_parts function:
1 ]=> (reverse_parts 2 '(cat the the in hat)) ;Value 20: (the cat in the hat) 1 ]=> (reverse_parts 4 '(was universe whole our dense dark a in state)) ;Value 22: (our whole universe was in a dark dense state) 1 ]=> (reverse_parts 3 (reverse_parts 5 '(m e s c h b i s t e e s t h e))) ;Value 25: (s c h e m e i s t h e b e s t)
Before 11:59 PM, Wednesday, October 8, 2014, submit your work for grading. Submit your file using Submission Box under assignment "PS5".
This assignment will be graded out of 18 points.
Feature | Value | Score |
equalizer | 6 | |
reverse_parts | 12 | |
Total | 18 | |