- Announcements
- CS Colloquium Friday at 2:30.
- Administrative Stuff
- lecture and reading schedule
- SG&G web site
- C/Unix review?
- course expectations
- A Bit More History
- Time sharing systems
- PCs
- Today's multiuser workstation/PCs
- Parallel and distributed systems
- Real-time systems
- Handheld systems
- Processes
- What is a process?
- Process states
- Process Control Block, context switching
- Process creation, fork() system call
Lab 1 due Feb. 17.
Many examples will be placed in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs432/examples on the Unix lab systems.
- FreeBSD Process Control Block: see /usr/src/sys/sys/proc.h
(line 125) and /usr/src/sys/sys/user.h (line 102) for
architecture-independent parts of the structure, /usr/src/sys/i386/pcb.h for the i386-specific parts.
- forking
- forkbomb
- FreeBSD fork code: /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_fork.c