End-of-semester party tomorrow 2:30 PM in the CS Lounge. Be
Final Projects
Get the paper drafts to me tomorrow (any time) - I will read
them over the weekend
Talks on Monday
Start at 1:30 sharp, TCL 206
Mitch/Myron/Jessica will go first
Any other constraints?
The talks are open to the public, so feel free to invite friends
If you would like to demonstrate software, arrange to do so
by Friday, 12/15
Distributed Agreement
Lots of interesting ideas in SG&G Chapter 18
We will look briefly at just a few
Assume we have a collection of n processes P0, ..., Pn
Processes communicate by sending message to each other
Problem: we assume that the processing nodes and
communication links may be unreliable
Election Algorithms - see SG&G slides 18.43-18.48
many distributed algorithms need a coordinator
how to choose one?
bully algorithm and ring algorithm
Distributed Agreement - see SG&G slides 18.49-18.53
how can a set of peers agree on a value (decision)?
unreliable communication
unreliable or adversarial processes
Byzantine Generals problem: "One day in ancient times,
the Turkish sultan led an invasion into Byzantium. The
Emperor called out his armies to meet the invading Turks.
Each of the armies was led by its own general. The armies that marched out of Constantinople to meet the
Turks were strong enough to resist the Sultan's army if their
action was coordinated (either attack or retreat). After
marching for several days, the Byzantine armies camped near to
the Turkish armies. The Byzantine generals planned that night
for an attack at dawn. Each general has his own appraisal of
the strength of the Turkish army and had his own preference
about whether to attack or retreat. Since the attacks had to
be coordinated, each general had agreed to follow the
consensus decision. So, the generals sent messengers to each
other's camps throughout the night to determine the consensus
decision. There was only one problem with the generals' plan. Byzantine
generals were notoriously treacherous, and some of the
generals might have been in the pay of the Sultan. The loyal
generals knew that if their attack was coordinated, they would
be victorious (or escape to fight again), but if some of the
loyal generals attacked while the others retreated, they would
be defeated. The disloyal generals would attempt to deceive
the loyal generals to prevent a coordinated attack. The loyal
generals therefore agreed to follow a protocol that ensured a
distributed agreement.
If each loyal general can agree on the opinion Vj of every
other (loyal or disloyal) general pj, the loyal generals
will all reach the same decision. Therefore, the Byzantine
armied can reach agreement if there is a protocol for reliable
broadcast. Each general pi will transmit its opinion Vi
to the other generals subject to the following two conditions,
called interactive consistency:
if the sender ps is loyal, the generals will agree
on Vs
if the sender ps is treacherous, the loyal
generals will agree on the same value for Vs
For 3 generals, 2 loyal and 1 disloyal, no agreement can be
For 4 generals, 3 loyal and 1 disloyal, agreement can be