Computer Science 432
Operating Systems

Williams College
Fall 2006

Lecture 19: File Systems: Partitions, Implementation
Date: November 14, 2006


Lecture Assignment

Due at the start of class, Thursday, November 16.

Turn in short answers to these questions. Please turn in a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK). We will discuss these questions during class, so no late submissions are accepted.

  1. SG&G 11.2
  2. What is the largest file that can be represented in the usual Unix inode scheme when the inode includes 12 direct blocks, 1 single indirect block, 1 double indirect block, and 1 triple indirect block? Assume a data block is 4KB and a block is identified and located on the disk using a 4-byte address.
  3. Submit a one-page summary of the important ideas behind the Unix Buffer Cache, based on the supplemental readings.

The readings for next time are SG&G Chapter 12, UNIX Buffer Cache handout from Bach 1986.



Journaling filesystems: