Diane: | Methinks the man doth protest too much. |
Woody: | Excuse me, Miss Chambers, but shouldn't it be "I thinks?" |
Carla: | Not in your case, Woody. |
- Cheers | |
Dining Philsophers
Since fork is the name of a C function, we'll use a different (and possibly more appropriate) analogy of chopsticks. The philosophers needs two chopsticks to eat rice.
semaphore chopstick[5]; chopstick[0..4]=1;
while (1) { wait(chopstick[i]); wait(chopstick[(i+1)%5]); /* eat */ signal(chopstick[i]); signal(chopstick[(i+1)%5]); /* think */ }
This solution may deadlock. One way to reduce the chances of deadlock might be to think first, since each might think for a different amount of time.
Another possibility:
Each philosopher
Does this work?
No! It livelocks. Consider this: all could pick up their left chopstick, look right, put down the left, and repeat indefinitely.
How to solve this? Must either
Here's one that includes an asymmetry, by having odd numbered philosophers pick up to the right first. The code for philosopher i and problem size n.
void philosopher() { think; if (odd(i)) { wait(chopstick[(i+1) % n]); wait(chopstick[i]); } else { wait(chopstick[i]); wait(chopstick[(i+1) % n]); } eat; if (odd(i)) { signal(chopstick[(i+1) % n]); signal(chopstick[i]); } else { signal(chopstick[i]); signal(chopstick[(i+1) % n]); } }
Design your program first! Implement it incrementally!! Computers are fast. Compiling doesn't take long. Compile and test often! Construct your Makefile first - it's there to help you! Document as you go!
You need to use a number of Unix system calls to implement Project 2. We have seen a few of these:
getpid() - get current process ID
getppid() - get parent's process ID
fork() - duplicate process. Child is a copy of the parent - in execution at the same point, the statement after the return from fork().
The return value indicates if you are child or parent. 0 is child, >0 means parent, -1 means failure (limit reached, permission denied)
pid=fork(); if (pid) { parent stuff; } else { child stuff; }
exit() - terminate a process. If it's a child, it waits for its parent to accept its return code. If this doesn't happen, the child is called a "zombie" process.
To avoid this - call wait() from the parent - parent stops and waits for the child to terminate (call exit()). returns PID of child, and in its argument, the status includes the value the child passed to exit(). Be careful not to confuse this wait() with the wait() operation on semaphores!
Running a new program - exec calls
fork() lets you have two copies of a process - the same process. To create processes that do other stuff, the fork() is followed by one of these "exec" calls:
execl() - exec process with list of arguments
execv() - exec process with args specified in an array
execlp() - list, but search path for the program.
execvp() - array, but search path for the program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { printf("This program will magically become ls -l\n"); execlp("ls", "ls", "-l", NULL); printf("So this line never executes...\n"); return 0; }
Unix processes can communicate by sending each other signals.
Type kill -l at your favorite Unix prompt to see the names of the signals it supports.
kill -SIGNAL pid will send signal SIGNAL to a process pid:
-> sleep 60& [1] 96132 -> kill -TERM %1 [1]+ Terminated sleep 60 -> sleep 60& [1] 96133 -> kill -STOP %1 [1]+ Stopped sleep 60 -> kill -CONT %1 -> jobs [1]+ Running sleep 60 & -> [1]+ Done sleep 60 ->
Two system calls are used to send and catch signals:
signal() - replace default handler. Lets you "trap" many signals and handle them appropriately.
Be careful not to confuse this signal() with the signal() operation on semaphores!
Example: A compute-bound process that "wakes up" every 5 seconds to report on its progress. [sigalrm-example.c]
We can ignore a signal completely by setting its handler to SIG_IGN, and restore the default handler with SIG_DFL.
Enhanced example: [sigalrm-example2.c]
A process can also send signals with kill(). Don't let the name fool you, you can send any signal with kill(), not just SIGKILL.