Computer Science 431
Spring 2015, The College of Saint Rose
You may work alone or in groups of size 2 or 3 on this assignment. Only one submission per group is needed.
Programming Task: Generating Example Arrays
Below, you will be asked to perform empirical analysis on the sorting algorithms we will be studying. As part of that task, you will be required to generate input arrays for the sorting algorithms. In order to test the best, worst, and average cases of some of these algorithms, you will need to generate input arrays with various characteristics. For simplicity, we will sort arrays of int.
You may use any programming language. If you use Java, implement it within a class IntArrayGenerator that includes static methods to generate and return arrays of int with each of the above characteristics, and a main method that tests these methods for various values of n and ranges. Be sure you can achieve similar functionality if you choose a different language. It is important that you generate these efficiently - for example, you should not generate sorted input by generating random input then sorting it. Generate it in sorted order right from the start. (10 points)
Programming Task: Timing Sorting Algorithms
We have seen two sorting algorithms so far: bubble sort and selection sort. Develop a program that will help us to perform an empirical study of the efficiency of these, and later, other sorting algorithms. Your program should operate on arrays of int values. It should have options to set the array size, the number of trials (to improve timing accuracy), the ability to generate initial data that is sorted, nearly sorted, completely random, and reverse sorted. Yes, it should use the class you wrote for the previous part of this assignment to do all of this. Design your program to make it easy to implement additional sorting algorithms later. You will then use this program to answer one of the written problems below. (12 points)
10000 bubble random .034693
might indicate for an input size of 10,000, using a bubble sort on random input took .034693 seconds.
First Empirical Analysis Study
Use your sorting algorithm program to generate timing data for bubble sort and selection sort on an appropriate range of data sizes and distributions. Compare your timing results with your expectations based on our (theoretical) efficiency analysis of these algorithms. (16 points)
Written Problems
We want to determine what the best days were to buy and sell this stock. You are allowed to buy only once and sell only once during the 15 day period.
For example, if you bought on day 3 and sold on day 6, then you would have a net profit of $20. However, if you bought on day 3 and sold on day 12, then you would have a net profit of $23.
Give pseudocode for a brute-force algorithm that computes the best day to buy and the best day to sell given the stock's history over the past n days. Assume that the rise and fall values are stored in an array A[1...n]. Give the Θ efficiency class of your algorithm and briefly explain how you arrived at this bound (7 points)
Before 11:59 PM, Friday, February 20, 2015, submit your problem set for grading. To complete the submission, upload an archive (a .7z or .zip) file containing all required files using Submission Box under assignment "PS3".
This assignment is worth 65 points, which are distributed as follows:
> Feature | Value | Score |
Example array generation methods | 8 | |
Example array generation tests | 2 | |
Sorting algorithms code | 12 | |
Empirical analysis writeup | 16 | |
Exercise 2.4.9 | 4 | |
Exercise 2.4.10 | 4 | |
Exercise 3.2.4 | 3 | |
Exercise 3.2.6 | 3 | |
Brute-force stock algorithm | 7 | |
Sum values search algorithm | 6 | |
Total | 65 | |