Computer Science 431
Spring 2013, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 20: Counting Sorts
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013
- Announcements
- This is a virtual lecture due to a disrupted travel schedule
- Related: no regular office hours this week - availability
by email and (hopefully) by appointment on Thursday
- Problem Set 5 continues
- Exam 2 next week!
- In class on Tuesday, April 9, with a take-home component due
at the start of class on Thursday, April 11.
- Focus on topics since exam 1:
- divide and conquer: merge sort, quicksort, binary
search, Strassen's algorithm, closest pairs
- decrease and conquer: exponentiation examples, insertion
sort, graph traversals, topological sort
- binary search trees: tree sort, balanced trees, AVL
- array representation of trees, priority queues, heaps,
- counting sorts
- Still be aware of previous topics: you may need to analyze
algorithms or compare sort procedures
- Sorting by counting
Lecture Assignment 20
Due at the start of class, Thursday, April 4.
You need not submit answers to these
questions, but you will have a chance to ask questions about them at
the start of class.
- Levitin Exercise 7.1.3, p. 257.
- Levitin Exercise 7.1.4, p. 258.