Computer Science 400
Parallel Processing

Siena College
Fall 2008

Lab 6: Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with MPI
Due: 5:00 PM, Friday, October 24, 2008

There are several files to turn in for this assignment. They should all be submitted under a directory named lab6 that you submit using the turnin utility. Please use the filenames specified and be sure to include your name in each file.

Modify one of the matrix-matrix multiply examples that uses MPI for communication so that all three matrices exist only on the master process at the start and finish of the computation. Use MPI functions to distribute the entries of A and B, as needed, to the processes (include the master in the computation), do the multiplication, then use MPI functions to gather the result C back to the master.

Your submission should include your Makefile, your source code, and the brief README file that explains how to run your program, describes how and why you chose to parallelize your program, and describes and analyzes your timing results. Please do not include object files or your executable in your submission.