Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2025, Siena College
Lecture 3: Graph Data Structures
Date: Monday, January 27, 2025
- Announcements
- Friday's summations practice
- reference solutions are posted (only in Canvas)
- GitHub setup and addition to our class GitHub organization
- Problem Set 1: [PDF] introduction
- group formation by Friday!
- please also at least take a quick look before Friday's class
and bring questions
- Graph concept and terminology
- Some simple graph implementations
- graph
- vertex
- edge
- weighted graph
- adjacent vertices
- path of vertices
- simple path
- cycle
- directed graph/digraph
- undirected graph
- vertex degree, in-degree, out-degree
- connected vertices
- subgraph
- connected component
- acyclic graph
- complete graph
- adjacency matrix graph representation
- adjacency list graph representation