Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2025, Siena College
Lecture 14: Decrease and Conquer; Recurrences
Date: Friday, February 21, 2025
- Announcements
- Problem Set 2: [PDF] is in, we will discuss on Monday
- Lab 2: METAL Data and Analysis
Practice - grades are posted, see me if your
group's grade looks inaccurate
- Convex hull in-class grades are also posted
- if you have a 0 it means I didn't find your completed copy
of the shared document in your shared folder or I don't have
access to your shared folder at all
- see me if this is in error
- Lab 4: Brute Force and Decrease and Conquer
should be wrapped up
- Exam 1 on Tuesday
- during lab meetings
- see the handout for info and practice problems
- reference solutions to the practice problems will be posted
outside my office after class
- time will be available in class on Monday for additional Q&A
- Practice with recurrences
- Levitin Exercise 2.4.4, p. 77
- re-do the "binary digits" example from Monday
- Topological Ordering
- directed acyclic graph/dag
- topological sort