¼?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?¾ ¼!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"¾ ¼html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"¾ ¼!-- XML file produced from file: ps1.tex using Hyperlatex v 2.9-in-waiting-rk (oct06) (c) Otfried Cheong on Emacs 25.3.2, Thu Jan 25 17:01:35 2024 --¾ ¼head¾ ¼title¾Problem Setü 1ü -- Footnotes¼/title¾ ¼style type="text/css"¾ .maketitle { align : center } div.abstract { margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 10%; } h3.abstract { align : center } div.verse, div.quote, div.quotation { margin-left : 10%; margin-right : 10%; } dt {font-weight: bold} ¼/style¾ ü ü¼link rel=stylesheet href="https://courses.teresco.org/commonstyle.css" type="text/css" /¾üüü ¼/head¾ ¼body bgcolor=¢FFFFFF¢¾ ¼table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"¾¼tr¾ ¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼a href=¢ü¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢ü¢ src=¢ünext.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼a href=¢ps1.html¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢Top¢ src=¢üup.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼a href=¢ü¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢ü¢ src=¢üprevious.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td align="center" bgcolor="#99ccff" width="100%"¾¼b¾Footnotes¼/b¾ü¼/td¾ü¼/tr¾¼/table¾ü î¼h1¾Footnotes¼/h1¾ì ¼/p¾ î¼dl¾ü ü î¼dt¾¼a name=¢footnote-1¢¾ì(1)¼/dt¾¼dd¾üThis assumes each Boolean value in the array is stored as a single bit. ü ¼/dd¾î¼dt¾¼a name=¢footnote-2¢¾ì(2)¼/dt¾¼dd¾üThis assumes 8 bytes for each reference in the ¼tt¾üvertices[]¼/tt¾ü array, 24 bytes for each ¼tt¾üVertex¼/tt¾ü object (8 bytes for the ¼tt¾ühead¼/tt¾ü reference plus 16 bytes needed by Java to store housekeeping information about each ¼tt¾üVertex¼/tt¾ü object), and 32 bytes per ¼tt¾üEdge¼/tt¾ü object (8 bytes for the integer ¼tt¾üdest¼/tt¾ü, 8 bytes for the ¼tt¾ünext¼/tt¾ü reference, and 16 bytes to store Java housekeeping information about each ¼tt¾üEdge¼/tt¾ü object). ü ¼/dd¾î¼/dl¾üü üî¼hr /¾ü¼address¾üî¼/address¾¼br /¾ü ¼table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"¾¼tr¾ ¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼¼p¾a href=¢ü¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢ü¢ src=¢ünext.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼a href=¢ps1.html¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢Top¢ src=¢üup.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td bgcolor="#99ccff"¾¼a href=¢ü¢¾¼img border=¢0¢ alt=¢ü¢ src=¢üprevious.png¢/¾ü¼/a¾¼/td¾¼td align="center" bgcolor="#99ccff" width="100%"¾¼b¾Footnotes¼/b¾ü¼/td¾ü¼/tr¾¼/table¾üü¼/body¾¼/html¾