Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 21: More Graph Algorithms
Date: Friday, April 13, 2018
- Announcements
- It's high school programming contest day!
- do your volunteer slot for your 20 bonus problem set points!
- the alternate method for earning bonus points for those who
can't volunteer is also now available: write a method that
removes a value and corresponding tests for the binary search
tree code from Lab 8, due a week from Monday by demonstration
- Hackathon update: 10 bonus quiz points if you volunteer, 20
bonus quiz points if you participate in at least part of it
- Lab 10: Greedy Algorithms and Heaps [PDF] due at your April 17/18 lab meetings
- Problem Set 6 due Monday
- however, I will not apply late penalties for a week
- as the next (and last) problem set will be out Monday, you
might still want to keep plugging away to avoid overload next
- Schedule for last two quizzes:
- Monday, April 16 (yes, our next class meeting) on a
smallish heapsort example and Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms
- Friday, April 27 on topics TBA
- I will be at a conference on Friday, April 20, so we will
not have a class meeting that day
- Looking ahead but surprisingly or perhaps frighteningly not
too far ahead, we'll be having our final exam on May 2 at 4:00
- More graph algorithms
- reachability
- transitive closure: Warshall's algorithm
- all-sources shortest paths: Floyd's algorithm
- If there's time, the gadget testing problem
- reachability
- transitive closure
- all-sources shortest path