Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 19: Quiz and Problem Set Recaps and Exam Review
Date: Friday, April 7, 2018
- Announcements
- Lab 10: Greedy Algorithms and Heaps [PDF] not due until April 17/18 lab meetings, but why not wrap it up sooner?
- Exam 2 Tuesday evening
- many details on the Lecture 18 page
- topic list:
- decrease and conquer algorithms, including insertion sort, topological sort, generating permutations and subsets, fake coin problems
- divide and conquer algorithms, including mergesort, quicksort, divide and conquer 2D closest pairs
- setting up and solving recurrences, master theorem
- drawing recursive call trees
- search trees, including standard BST, AVL, 2-3 trees
- hashing
- dynamic programming, comparison with recursive exhaustive search, top-down and bottom-up approaches
- using pre-sorting to improve efficiency
- You should participate in or volunteer for the hackathon. 10
bonus quiz points available if you do.
- Problem Set 6 out
- Quiz 3 recap
- Recaps of recent problem sets and labs