Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 18: Greedy Algorithms
Date: Friday, March 23, 2018
- Announcements
- Problem Set 5: [PDF] due this afternoon, 4 PM
- We next meet for labs on April 3/4; please bring laptops to your
lab meeting that week
- Graded work will be returned on our return - need to hold off
returning most recent work for now - except labs which are all available
- Contact Prof. Armitage if you would like to learn more and possibly
attend a cyber careers info session on April 4
- See my email about the potential summer research project on the
map data and algorithm visualization tool
- First discussion about Exam 2
- Tuesday, April 10, Roger Bacon 202
- Exam available 6-10 PM, but you must start by 8 and cannot leave before 8
- No lab meetings Tuesday, April 10 or Wednesday, April 11
- Topics covered are those in the first 8 chapters of Levitin,
Lectures up to 17, labs up to 9, and the first five problem sets
- There will be a strong focus on material since Exam 1, but
keep in mind that some is cumulative by nature, and in other
cases, we might want to compare more advanced solution techniques
like divide and conquer or dynamic programming with the simpler
ones we saw earlier such as brute force
- A list of topics will be made available soon
- Some practice questions coming, and we can think about some review times
- You will be provided with all needed summation and log
formulas, and you will be permitted a single double-sided sheet of
handwritten notes as a reference
- At the least, I will have extra office hours Tuesday morning
and afternoon
- Greedy algorithms
- basic idea
- Prim's algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Quiz 3
- Have a Happy Easter and a great spring break!
- greedy algorithms
- (minimum) spanning tree
- Prim's algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- single-source shortest path problem