Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 13: Divide and Conquer
Date: Monday, March 5, 2018
- Announcements
- grading update: caught up! (sorry I got so far behind, and thanks for your patience)
- Lab 6: Working With Recurrences [PDF] due as usual at the start of your lab this week
- Problem Set 3 code remains due tonight, writeup not due until Wednesday
- no laptops needed for labs this week
- brief quiz next Monday on setting up and solving recurrences
- Exam 1 recap
- Problem Set 4: [PDF] out
- Divide and conquer
- closest pairs
- Quickhull
- quicksort
- divide-and-conquer closest pairs
- quickhull
- quicksort