Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 10: More Decrease and Conquer
Date: Friday, February 16, 2018
- Announcements
- Lab 5: Graph Traversals [HTML] [PDF], due before Tuesday's exam (ideally sooner)
- further suggestions on METAL improvements welcome any time
- see the list of open issues to which you are welcome to contribute
- Problem Set 2: [PDF] due this afternoon; I will discuss solutions on Monday even if I can't get them all graded
- Tuesday evening's Exam 1: topics to review
- Algorithm Design Techniques
- Brute force algorithm design (including exhaustive search)
- Data structures
- Graphs: directed/undirected, weighted/unweighted, indegree & outdegree of vertex in directed graph, degree of vertex in undirected graph, adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations (implementations, memory requirements, running times)
- Algorithms/Problems
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- String matching
- Closest pairs
- Traveling Salesman
- Knapsack
- Depth-first and breadth-first search
- Convex hull
- Analysis Techniques
- Summations
- Counting basic operations in code/pseudocode using summations
- Big O,
Big Ω,
Big Θ
- Proving growth rates using limits and definitions (i.e., finding constants)
- Ordering functions by growth rates
- Basic efficiency classes: constant, logarithmic, linear, quadratic, cubic, polynomial, exponential, factorial
- How to approach Lab 4: Brute-Force Algorithms Question 9
- A few more words about graph traversals
- Decrease and conquer
- Analysis of recursive insertion sort
- Levitin describes several more decrease and conquer algorithms
- We will consider one more "decrease by one": topological sort
- Please read about generating permutations and subsets
- directed acyclic graph/dag
- topological sort
- source removal algorithm for topological sort
- generating permutations of a list
- generating subsets of a list