Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lecture 1: Introduction to Algorithms; Course Overview
Date: Tuesday/Wednesday, January 16/17, 2018
- Welcome to Algorithms!
- Announcements
- Read Levitin sections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3 for Friday
- Please bring laptop computers to labs starting next week if
you have them, sometimes helpful for lectures too
- Please complete Lab 0: GitHub Setup as soon
as you have a chance - feel free to ask when you're stuck
- What is this course about?
- Pseudocode
- Basics of counting and algorithm analysis
- Bubble sort
- Lab 1: Counting Operations (handout)
- algorithm
- inputs/outputs
- precise
- deterministic
- non-deterministic
- finiteness
- correctness
- verifying correctness
- proofs
- generality
- efficiency
- theoretical
- practical
- design and anaylsis
- lower bounds
- optimal
- impossible
- pseudocode
- bubble sort
- basic operations
- Euclid's Algorithm
- Sieve of Eratosthenes