Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2018, Siena College
Lab 5: Graph Traversals
Due: Before next week's exam
You will be assigned a partner to work with on this lab. Only one submission
per group is needed.
Group members:
Learning goals:
- To understand basics of the breadth-first and depth-first graph
traversal algorthms.
- To understand how an implementation of each works.
- To learn how to perform each of these traversals manually on a
small sample graph.
Once all written items are initialed to indicate completion, turn in
one copy of this handout. Be sure names of all group members are
clearly on the first page.
We begin by exploring the ideas of graph traversals, and the
differences between the breadth-first and depth-first disciplines,
using METAL's visualizations of these algorithms.
The idea of a graph traversal is that, given a graph and a starting
vertex, come up with a order in which vertices are visited such that
each vertex visited is one that can be reached directly by an edge
from a vertex that has already been visited.
In your favorite standards-compliant browser, visit
METAL's Highway Data Examiner.
Question 1: In HDX, load up the "Delaware (State)" graph. For
"Algorithm to Visualize" choose "Graph Traveral/Connected
Components". For this first run, leave the "Order" as "Breadth
First". For the "Start Vertex", choose the vertex in the far
southeast corner of the state (which should have label
DE1/MD528@MD/DE). Start the algorithm and observe the
progress as the vertices are visited and become blue. Show your
instructor the completed visualization. (1 point)
Question 2: Reload HDX and the same graph. This time, for
"Order", choose "Depth First". Again, start the algorithm and
observe the progress as the vertices are visited and become blue.
Show your instructor the completed visualization. (1 point)
Question 3: Describe in a few sentences your first impressions of
the order in which vertices are visitied using these two traversal
disciplines. (5 points)
Question 4: How many vertices remain "Undiscovered", i.e.not
visited by the traversal, when you completed your traversals of the
Delaware graph? Why? (5 points)
Question 5: Traversal algorithms can also be used to count and/or
identify the connected components of a graph. In HDX, this
functionality is enabled by selecting the "Find all connected
components" toggle in the "Graph Traversal/Connected Components"
visualization. Select that and re-run the visualization for the
Delaware graph. Show your instructor the completed visualization.
(1 point)
Question 6: Does it matter which start vertex and which traversal
discipline you choose when finding connected components? Explain
briefly. (3 points)
Question 7: Use HDX to find the number of connected components in
the "Hawaii (State)" graph. (This is a "Route Within a Single
Region" and has about 450 vertices, in case you'd like to use the
filters to find it more easily.) Write your answer below and show
your instructor the completed visualization. (3 points)
Question 8: Is there any single island that has multiple connected
components in METAL's data? If so, where? (3 points)
Next, we consider in more detail how the algorithms work. Reload HDX
and load up the "Aruba (Constituent Country)" graph. Select the
"Breath First"
traversal, select the point Rt1A/Rt1B@SerCol
as the starting
point, which is southeasternmost point. Set the speed to "Painfully
Slow" and start the visualization, but pause it right away, before
the first step of the algorithm is complete. You'll know you stopped
it soon enough if the yellow "Visiting" line is still referring to
and that vertex is shown in yellow on the map.
As the algorithm proceeds, the vertices and edges are added to a
spanning tree that consists of the vertices that have been
visited and the edges that were used to connect them with the
previously visited vertices.
Question 9: The vertices and edges shown in green are those that
have been "discovered" and are candidates for the next to be
included in the spanning tree. What data structure is being used
for this purpose with the breadth-first traversal? (2 points)
Question 10: Which vertices are in the list of discovered vertices
when visiting the start vertex? You may give vertex numbers rather
than writing out the names. (2 points)
Question 11: Resume the simulation for one iteration, then pause it
again. Now what is in the list of discovered vertices? (2 points)
Question 12: Resume and pause again after one more iteration. Now
what is in the list of discovered vertices? (2 points)
Question 13: Resume and pause again after one more iterations, when
the vertex labeled Rt1A@Rt4_E&Rt1B@Rt4_E&Rt4@Rt1_S is being
visited. Now what is in the list of discovered vertices? (3 points)
Question 14: Resume and pause again after two more iterations, when
the two vertices you wrote down for the previous question have been
visited. Now what is in the list of discovered vertices? (3
Question 15: At this point in the simulation, how many edges need to
be traversed along the shortest path, defined as fewest number of
edges traversed, from the start vertex to each of the two that
were just visited? (2 points)
Question 16: At this point in the simulation, how many edges need to
be traversed along the shortest path, again by number of edges
traversed, to get from the start vertex to the ones currently in the
list of discovered vertices? (2 points)
Question 17: Can you find any vertices that are not yet visited or in
the list of discovered vertices which can be found by
traversing fewer edges than your response to the previous question?
(2 points)
Question 18: Resume and pause again after five more iterations, when
the algorithm is visiting the vertex labeled Rt1B/Rt7. Until
this point, all edges from each newly visited vertex have been
colored green. One this time has been colored pink, meaning that it
was "discarded on discovery". Why does the algorithm discard this
edge and not add the vertex at its other endpoint to the list of
discovered vertices? (3 points)
Question 19: Resume and pause again after one more iteration, when
the algorithm is again visiting the vertex Rt1B/Rt7.
If it was already visited, why is the algorithm visiting it again?
(2 points)
Question 20: The pink edge should now also be grey, indicating that
it is "discarded on removal" instead of being added to the
spanning tree (in which case it would become blue). Why do we not
need to add this edge to the spanning tree? (3 points)
Question 21: As you watch the remainder of the simulation, notice
that edges that are not ultimately part of the spanning tree are
first colored pink as "discarded on discovery" and later grey as
"discarded on removal". Why does each such edge get considered
twice, and what condition causes the algorithm to discard on
discovery and what condition causes the algorithm to discard on
removal? (3 points)
Question 22: When the algorithm completes, what is the mathematical
relationship between the number of vertices and the number of edges
in the spanning tree? Would this always be the case for any graph?
Explain briefly. (5 points)
Question 23: Next, load up the Aruba graph again but this time select
the traversal discipline to be "Depth First". What data structure
is now being used for the list of discovered vertices? (2 points)
Question 24: Start a depth-first visualization of the Aruba graph and
pause it after 8 iterations, when the algorithm is visiting the
Rt4/Rt6 vertex. What vertices are in the list of discovered
vertices? (2 points)
Question 25: These exists a shortest path, in terms of the number of
edges traversed, from the starting vertex to any other vertex (not
necessarily using edges in the spanning tree). At this point in the
simulation, what is the length of the longest among these shortest
paths to any vertex currently in the spanning tree? (4 points)
Question 26: At this point in the simulation, what is the length of
the longest among the shortest paths to any vertex in the list of
discovered vertices? (4 points)
Question 27: Load the "Siena College (25 mi radius)" graph into HDX
and run both Depth First and Breadth First visualizations at a
faster speed, paying attention to the size of the list of discovered
vertices as each proceeds. Which traversal discipline results in a
larger list? Explain briefly why this would be. (5 points)
Read Levitin Section 3.5.
Question 28: Levitin Exercise 3.5.1, p. 128. (10 points)
Question 29: Levitin Exercise 3.5.4, p. 128. (10 points)
Question 30: Please give any suggestions to improve the
visualizations of the graph traversals in METAL's HDX that you
believe would make it easier to use and/or a more effective teaching
tool. (5 points)